martes, 4 de diciembre de 2012

Comments of the week:

Dear Mr Movaldi
I’m contacting you for the following reason. Before learning with your teachers I was a person who didn’t speak English and I had fear to speak. I’m sure that I need to increase my level and I make a lot of mistakes during my classes but now I feel confident to speak. There are many reason for that feeling, for example podcasts, articles , in summary all contents received in my e-mail that I have to read before the classes , but YOUR TEACHERS are the most important reason to feel me confident . They work hard every day to obtain the best of us and offering the best of them. I would like to do a special mention to the teacher Ernie. I feel good during his classes, I can not see him but he always seems happy and it is transmitted to me. He uses many types of contents (articles, idioms, pictures …etc) each class, in my opinion this is the correct way to learn because every class is different and I learn a lot of new vocabulary. I would appreciate it if you transmit my congratulations and thanks to them, in special to Ernie.
Thanks for your time and have a good day.
Best Regards One Student

Ernie, I really liked this article, especially when you refer to the importance of being confident and self assured because I think that confidence and a good self-esteem are the key points for everything in life, studies, business,children´s education, love…because people will always see us the way we see ourselves. Y.S.

Ya he dado la clase con Cesar, y quería comentarte que tanto mi compañera de las 9.20h , (que solo ha hecho esta clase con él) como yo que, ya llevo varias, queríamos felicitaros por este profesor. Es puntualísimo, encantador y se amolda perfectamente a la persona con la que está realizando la clase, y para mí lo más importante es que te anima mucho, cuando lo has hecho bien y te corrige cuando no, y siempre con un maravilloso respeto y educación. En resumen un 10 para Cesar. C.L.

Our dear Teachers and I, thank you, thank you dearly for all your comments.




viernes, 16 de noviembre de 2012

Funny pics

Photo: Cocinando el Turkey ;)


"Words Are Like People, It´s A Small Word After All"

By: Ernie Os
Sr. Teacher and Contributor at: image
Family, work, money, love, respect, food, happiness, what do all of these words have in common?
They seem to be in the same "family" of words and they even seem to be "back formations"(words that are formed directly from other words) of each other .
Family of words?
It sounds a little crazy but I think that words are like people.
Some words are more important than others even though they share the same language and society. For example the word "respect" is definitely more important than the word "probably"...
What about the word "love"?
If we could personify the word love, who do you think it could be, our mother? Our father? Probably. In a monarchy there´s always a king, a queen, and so on. Is this the same in a language?
Who could ever personify the words "Google", or "Apple"? Their creators of course, just like we are personified by our creator and our parents.
What person could personify the word "imagination" or the word "knowledge"?
That´s an easy question to answer in my book, Albert Einstein, and curiously he was the person who said, "Imagination is more important than knowledge"...
Today in our fragile and unpredictable world, we must be careful with our words.
It not not pleasant to hear words like "tragedy", or "crisis". Newspapers are about business not love.The more we feel bad for people and read about negativity around the world, the more we will buy them.
It´s time for sensitivity in the world, not sensationalism, no one is safe from tragedy or accidents.
"Words are more powerful than the sword." This is very true, take the life and accomplishments of Nelson Mandela...
Mandela was imprisoned for many years by the same government that he would later govern and rule.
He wrote many books while in prison and became a very educated and powerful force.
What word describes you? Really?
We all have the word in our brain but is it a word that we are proud of?
"Hi Mr. Untruthful, how was your day?"
"Greetings Ms. Miserable, how was your weekend?"
If people were words, What word would your best friend be?
Your boss? Your brother?
In a nation of words the president would probably be Mr. Liar.
Mr. "Money" would probably be a big businessman like the CEO of "Las Vegas Sands Corp." Sheldon Adelson, who is bringing the Las Vegas adult playground experience to Madrid. Every word, like every one of us, has an origin, and some words are much older than others. For me one word takes the cake, a "Golden Child" born in a University in California, a word that came into our lives in 1997 and has changed it forever, "Google".
The words "fire" and "water" are undoubtedly older than the word "Google".
"Google" is one baby that is here to stay.
(I wrote a blog post about "Google" and its origin previously, you can see it here...
Google is at the very top of the ladder in the world of words, it´s the prince waiting to be king or maybe the most popular person in the world.
Google is like a movie star that everyone talks about everyday, Mr. Google definitely drives a Ferrari and lives in Marbella.
What about the word "Hate"?
Who could personify this word? Hopefully not you or anyone that you know.
For me Hate is perfectly personified by Adolf Hitler, we all know why.
I remember when Mrs. Example (my mom), told me not to hang around with "Loser" and "Bad Habit" and to do my homework, things would have definitely been different for me.
Some words are more difficult to understand than others, like people on the other side of an international conference call.
In a world of uncertainty we can only control what we do, let´s try to be careful and sensitive with our words before we give them life in an email or letter...
Google woke up in his Marbella chalet and drove to the local coffee shop to have breakfast with Beautiful.
All she could talk about was how Mr. Despicable, her boss, made life difficult for her everyday.
She had talked to her friends Sunshine and Extravagant about changing jobs the night before.
They suggested that she call Mr. Right at his office and ask him if there was an opening at the law firm.
Google was only daydreaming about "Precious", the waitress who was specially nice that morning.
Beautiful was in a hurry to finish her omelet she was five minutes away from her English class with "Unpredictable", her Telephone Teacher from San Diego.
She was very excited...
What would they talk about next? 

South Africa pic. by

martes, 13 de noviembre de 2012

Evictions in Spain

Wave of Evictions Leads to Homeless Crisis in Spain

The number of Spanish families facing eviction is mounting at a dizzying pace, and when they can’t move in with relatives, they often take over empty homes, and there are plenty of them.

Here is the original link:

lunes, 5 de noviembre de 2012

Escape From New York... "The Great Betrayal"


When I talk to Spanish students for the first time and ask them about America, if they have ever visited The United States or if they would like to and where, there´s always one city that comes up in conversation: New York.


New York,...

The City So Nice, They Named It TWICE,

"The Big Apple",

"The City That Never Sleeps"

and for Batman and Robin, "Gotham"...

What is there NOT to like about New York?

Broadway: the lights, the arts...

The largest Subway System in the World (NYC has the largest subway system in the world, operating underground since 1904.), its iconic Statue of Liberty: always a symbol of The American Dream...

The shopping in Manhattan...

The New York Times.

The New York Times?

You mean the newspaper that rejected King Juan Carlos´ plead to "be nice" when referring to Spain and it´s economic tragedy?

The New York Times?

The newspaper that published a "Yellow Pressed" article about Spain´s austerity and depicted the country with bias photographs and onesided captions?

And after all the love that Iberia has for New York, this, this is a betrayal in my book.

History tells about many great "backstabs"...
Austrian army officer Alfred Redl during World War 1, Redl worked as a spy for the Russian military and sold secrets about the Austrian army. The results were catastrophic for the Austrian army: his actions contributed to the deaths of half a million Austrians. 
Redl committed suicide after Austrian police discovered his betrayal.

Harold Cole was the deputy commander of Scotland Yard during the end of the World War 2 and is considered one of the worst traitors of the war. He was responsible for divulging information to the Gestapo (German security police organized under the Nazi control) about the French resistance escape lines, which he had helped create. He was shot dead after capture by French police in 1946.

What about the end of Roman emperor Julius Caesar when his own nephew, Brutus, took part in the murder plot against him? Brutus accompanied a group of senators who savagely attacked Caesar. Caesar didn’t see it coming – the iconic line, “Et tu, Brutus?”, "You too, Brutus?" is one that will always remind us of Julius Cesar. The whole shameful betrayal was also the subject of a little Shakespearean play you may have heard of.

Well maybe The New York Times´ journalist S. Daley isn´t related to Brutus or Harold Cole, but her dimly lighted reflection of the economy in Spain almost suggests that Spain is the 
only country in the world with hunger and unemployment.

Let´s forget about New York and Shakespearean drama and close our eyes and imagine that
we´re on the other side of the United States.
How about a daydream into San Diego, :"America´s Finest City"?

One of the world´s most important cultural borders and a birth place of 
"The American Dream".

A place where sandals and beachwear take the place of black suits and dress shoes.

California... "The Beach Boys", barbecues, beautiful people, the best weather in the
world,and oh yeah, a place  that has  influenced every human on Earth, a place called Silicon Valley. 

I lived in Andalucia for 6 months and I never saw some of the things I see in these pictures.

Stereotypes are very dangerous and I´m concerned about the thoughts of people who read 
sensationalist articles of this type, they are not seeing the reality of this great country.

So maybe next time you plan a trip to "The States" you should book a flight to the friendly
part of America a place appropriately named after a saint "Diego".



P.S. Here´s the N.Y. Times Article:

jueves, 6 de septiembre de 2012

Como pronunciar - Comfortable - en inglés Pronunciación en inglés

How to pronounce comfortable
Muy bien hagamos un pequeño ejercicio para corrregir la pronunciación de esta palabra tan difícil:
Recuerde no es: comfor téibol ni tampoco comfór tobol
La pronunciación correcta es: Kómftertbol 
Separemos  la palabra para practicar: komf-ter-bol
Ahora unamos la pronunciación: kómfterbol

¿Donde va el acento? El acento debe de ir en la primera sílaba: Kómfterbol
Para más tips: Solicitar una clase gratuita con un prof./a nativos y conozca su nivel
Llamar al 911 014 146 o al 931 000 144 Clases telefónicas o por skype
Más info:
El lugar más recomendado entre familias y empresas
en España y Europa para aprender inglés e idiomas
con profesores nativos por teléfono y skype.™
Subject: Pronunciation in English
t.t.® your teacher any time, anywhere

lunes, 25 de junio de 2012

¿Por qué hablar inglés es tan importante?

Así opinan exitosos hombres de negocios e inclusive líderes espirituales.
Extracto de la entrevista a: Mr. Hiroshi Mikitani- Japan
Por: David Pilling -
´´ Now younger people know they need to speak English´´.
´´ If all the employees of  Panasonic or Sony could communicate in English, they could be far better than Samsung…..A language will open your eyes to the ´global´, and you will break free from this conventional wisdom of a pure Japan.´´
´´ English is a tool to globalise you, to make you change´´.
´´ With better English, more flexible labour laws, relaxed immigration policies and more investment in science, Japan can bounce back´´ . ´´ We need to fix just a couple of simple things and we´ll have a bright future.´´
´´ I´m reminded of something the writer Pico Iyer told me about the Dalai Lama. Whenever the head of Tibetan Budhism visits Japan he is asked how the country can improve….. according to Iyer, the Dalai Lama consistently deflates his audience with the practical admonition: ´´Learn English´´
Learning English..a doorknob to opportunities...www.telephoneteacher.comLearning English, a doorknob to opportunities…t.t.® your teacher any time, anywhere 2012.

miércoles, 20 de junio de 2012

Dr. t.t. ¿Qué puedo saber después de la clase gratuita de prueba inicial?

Conocer tu nivel es lo mas importante después de una clase de prueba de inglés (u otro idioma con telephoneteacher).
La comprensión del estudiante se agudiza de tal manera que la comprensión del idioma se vuelve más intuitiva. La pronunciación mejora notablemente ya que el phone-tutor corrige al momento y el estudiante reproduce los sonidos con confianza añadiéndoles a su registro vocal de pronunciación, de tal manera que se familiariza y pierde el miedo a escucharse a hablar en otro idioma sintiéndose cómodo, confiado y disfruta hablando el idioma con fluidez. Siempre con el apoyo de un telephone teacher ;)
Prueba tu nivel gratis al:  911 014 146 o al 931 000 144
Graphic licensed by:

¿Por qué aprender a hablar inglés es tan importante?

Así opinan exitosos hombres de negocios e inclusive líderes espirituales.

Entrevista a:
Hiroshi Mikitani
Por: David Pilling - (read full interview)

´´ Now younger people know they need to speak English´´.
´´ If all the employees of  Panasonic or Sony could communicate in English, they could be far better than Samsung.....A language will open your eyes to the ´global´, and you will break free from this conventional wisdom of a pure Japan.´´
´´ English is a tool to globalise you, to make you change´´.
´´ With better English, more flexible labour laws, relaxed immigration policies and more investment in science, Japan can bounce back´´ . ´´ We need to fix just a couple of simple things and we´ll have a bright future.´´

´´ I´m reminded of something the writer Pico Iyer told me about the Dalai Lama. Whenever the head of Tibetan Budhism visits Japan he is asked how the country can improve..... according to Iyer the Dalai Lama consistently deflates his audience with the practical admonition: ´´Learn English´´

Learning English, a doorknob to opportunities...t.t. your teacher any time, anywhere 2012.

jueves, 31 de mayo de 2012

Expresión Corporal en el Trabajo (Business)

We would like to share this article with good advice ;) Follow the link below. (It is in this week`s webcast)

Body language in the workplace: Dos and don’ts

Your posture, your handshake, even the placement of your legs, can speak volumes. Michele Pollard Patrick of National Protocol and Martha Priego demonstrate what you should — and shouldn’t — be doing at work.

Body language in the workplace: Dos and don’ts

jueves, 24 de mayo de 2012

Business English Idioms & Phrasal Verbs

San Diego CA. May 24, 2012.- Ernie Os
Greetings Telephone  Teacher Universe.
As a sit in front of my computer and look into the San Diego skyline, I would like to share a little of my thoughts about English, business English to be more specific....
We know that there is a considerable difference between the "regular" colloquial English spoken in innumerable cities around the world, and the formality and technicality of the languages spoken in the dog eat dog business environment.

We know that trepidation in the workplace is a very negative energy that drags us down and impedes us from doing and saying things that are crucial in important business situations.

On the other hand, if we are confident and self assured, the sky is the limit in our daily executive tasks.
Confidence is a powerful drug, the inner light that carries us into a horizon filled with success.
There´s no better example of how confidence can change our lives than in a job interview...
How many of us remember a very important job interview or the first time we kissed our loved one? That´s confidence at its best!
As English is the lingua franca of the business world, confidence is the key to speaking and learning English.
Just as a gem is not polished without rubbing, nor a man perfected without trials, a scholar must work hard in order to improve his English skills.

Luckily many of us take advantage of trustworthy tutors who´s satisfaction is to know that there is someone on the other side of the world who values every session shared.

What is the secret to success?

I think that just as there is not one specific answer to this question, there are many formulas that can be followed to reach the promise land that we all look for everyday.

I´ll finish by saying that things are always easier said than done, and that the road to success is never an easy path, practice makes perfect, the only stupid question is the one that we never ask, a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step and a man´s (or woman) gotta do what a man´s gotta do, 
so keep up the good work!
P.S.:   "Got homework?"


1) How many phrasal verbs do you recognize from this lecture?

2) What is the significance of the numerous proverbs and idioms in the text?

Thank you,
Ernie Os.
t.t. your teacher any time, anywhere

¿Quiere desoxidar su Business English?

Pruebe una clase gratuita llámenos: 911 014 146

jueves, 10 de mayo de 2012

Favorite Sayings & Proverbs

"Where there is a will, there is a way."

"Strike while the iron is hot."

"God helps those who help themselves."

"Birds of a feather flock together."

"Blood is thicker than water."

"Charity begins at home."

"He who would climb a ladder must begin at the bottom."

"Tell me who walks with you, and I'll tell you who you are."

"It does not matter the speed you go.  The most important thing is to never stop."

"Think twice, act wise."

 "Practice makes perfect."  (t.t.´s fave)

"If you want something done right, do it yourself."

"If you risk nothing, then you risk everything."

"Your defeat now is your victory in the future."

Review  the meanings with your t.t. ( telephoneteacher).

Vote your favorite saying and leave us a comment ;)

jueves, 19 de abril de 2012

Clases telefónicas de inglés para principiantes

Ahora también clases de inglés telefónicas para principiantes que inician desde cero.

Presentamos nuestro nuevo curso diseñado para principiantes que inician desde cero. También se pueden beneficiar de este libro cualquier estudiante que desee repasar la gramática básica.
Los aspectos más importantes de este curso+libro+clases telefónicas son los siguientes:
1. El soporte telefónico que recibe el estudiante para aclarar, consultar cualquier duda de las 40 lecciones de gramática básica del libro. Podrá practicar con un tutor nativo conversaciones sencillas en inglés si lo desea.
2. Curso pionero ya que uno de sus características más interesantes es que contiene el vocabulario esencial con guía de pronunciación castellanizada lo que se significa que: podrá leer en español y reproducir las palabras con la pronunciación en inglés.
3. Dirigido a los que comienzan con el inglés desde
cero o los que ya hablan el idioma pero que necesiten repasar las bases gramáticales.
4. Puede estudiarse de las siguientes formas:
a) Estudio del libro individualmente + clases telefónicas o skype™ para los mejores resultados.
b) Estudio individual con el libro + apoyo de clases telefónicas o skype™ con un telephone teacher.
c) Como curso individual a su tiempo + apoyo ocasional   de nuestros phone-tutors.
d) Estudio individual del libro por libre.

ver más imágenes y promo del libro.

t.t. your teacher any time, anywhere, ha llevado las clases de idiomas hasta los lugares más recónditos de España y ahora de muchos países en el mundo de manera sencilla, asequible y eficientemente desde el 2006 en España a través de su innovador método de clases telefónicas, web, o skype™, con tutores nativos o bilingües.

Más información llamando
 España al 911 014 146 - 931 000 144
U.S.A. (Llamada gratuita) telf.: 877-822-7292

lunes, 9 de abril de 2012

"Google", One baby that is here to stay...

By Ernie Os

San Diego, CA., April 8, 2012- English, like any language, like anything in life, is always evolving.

There are many examples of phrases that have almost inexplicable rules in grammar and the way they are read, spoken and understood.

One great example is the word "google".

How many of you know what the word "google" means?

Well whatever the definition of this word is, it definitely is a very important word for the majority of the world's modern day working class.  

If I were to ask any person on the streets about the definition of this word today, they would probably have a clear meaning of what this powerful word means to them in their everyday life.

The reality is a simple one, here's a bit of history about this iconic company:

Here are the founders of the mega search engine looking "cool"......

Founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin met at Stanford University in 1995. By 1996, they had built a search engine (initially called BackRub) that used links to determine the importance of a individual webpages.



  • Larry Page and Sergey Brin meet at Stanford. (Larry, 22, a U Michigan grad, is considering the school; Sergey, 21, is assigned to show him around.) According to some accounts, they disagree about almost everything during this first meeting.


  • Larry and Sergey, now Stanford computer science grad students, begin collaborating on a search engine called BackRub.
  • BackRub operates on Stanford servers for more than a year—eventually taking up too much bandwidth to suit the university.


  • Larry and Sergey decide that the BackRub search engine needs a new name. After some brainstorming, they go with Google —a play on the word “googol,” a mathematical term for the number represented by the numeral 1 followed by 100 zeros. The use of the term reflects their mission to organize a seemingly infinite amount of information on the web.
So as we know, the word "google" (sometimes a verb, and sometimes a noun), was actually born around 15 years ago somewhere in the Stanford area of California.

This is just a brief story about a word that has recently been given life by its mother tongue, but without a doubt, will be in the palates of many throughout the course of history. 

We should always remember that any language has it's own life, and this is what intrigues us and attracts many scholars to its wonder.

So next time you ask your English teacher a question about a strange word or verse, remember that the answer can really be unpredictable,


Ernie Os. 

viernes, 30 de marzo de 2012

Improve your pronunciation with songs

It´s karaoke time for all our dear t.t. fighters !!!!
Here are some nice songs to improve your English language skills.
Did you know that singing is one of the best methods to correct and improve pronunciation? try it !
You´ll hear what a difference it makes.

We have picked some interesting songs with lyrics on our you tube-telephoneteacher sing and learn English! channel.

In the meantime, try singing these songs,  challenge yourself!

If you want to practice it with a telephone teacher call us to: 911 014 146 Lucca is a great voice Coach+ English Teacher. Learn it and sign it your way!

Remember breath deeply and relax your throat and muscles....

Clases de inglés
profesor nativo
sólo 5,75€
Teléfono & skypetm

Our top Maroon 5 songs to learn English:
Click on the links to Sing!!



This Love
Clases de inglés principiantes                                                                                                                                   Clases de Francés Profesor Nativo
por teléfono & skype 5,75€


Profesor Nativo de alemán
Clases Skype & teléfono 5,75€

This one is perfect to sing with your kids......

And who doesn´t like this one.......

Here´s an old time favorite........Learn it and sign it your way!

How about this one to.......

                  This is a hard one ok? challenge yourself I know you can!!