viernes, 30 de marzo de 2012

Improve your pronunciation with songs

It´s karaoke time for all our dear t.t. fighters !!!!
Here are some nice songs to improve your English language skills.
Did you know that singing is one of the best methods to correct and improve pronunciation? try it !
You´ll hear what a difference it makes.

We have picked some interesting songs with lyrics on our you tube-telephoneteacher sing and learn English! channel.

In the meantime, try singing these songs,  challenge yourself!

If you want to practice it with a telephone teacher call us to: 911 014 146 Lucca is a great voice Coach+ English Teacher. Learn it and sign it your way!

Remember breath deeply and relax your throat and muscles....

Clases de inglés
profesor nativo
sólo 5,75€
Teléfono & skypetm

Our top Maroon 5 songs to learn English:
Click on the links to Sing!!



This Love
Clases de inglés principiantes                                                                                                                                   Clases de Francés Profesor Nativo
por teléfono & skype 5,75€


Profesor Nativo de alemán
Clases Skype & teléfono 5,75€

This one is perfect to sing with your kids......

And who doesn´t like this one.......

Here´s an old time favorite........Learn it and sign it your way!

How about this one to.......

                  This is a hard one ok? challenge yourself I know you can!!

lunes, 26 de marzo de 2012

Three Indomitable Spirits....‏By Ernie Os

Three Indomitable Spirits....

Story: Professor: Ernie Os
San Diego, CA March 26, 2012 - Recently I came across an article that summarizes 3 amazing success stories of real-life. I felt extremely motivated after reading this article, and I believe that you will be the same.
Oprah Winfrey Street urchin to talk show host extraordinary
What would you say of a child who was born to a single 13-year-old mother who was struggling to survive on the streets? What would you say if I told you that this child became the victim of multiple physical and sexual abuses before the age of thirteen herself? She later became pregnant and gave birth to a still-born baby.
She often got into trouble with the law before the age of fifteen. You wouldn’t bet too much hope on her future would you? What if I told you that this person was Oprah Winfrey, one of the richest and most successful women in the United States? And she is an Afro-American as well. Before this, I have also posted about Oprah Winfrey, you can read the full cover story here, very inspiring, The Oprah Winfrey Success Story.
Christopher Reeve -Superman to Paraplegic…and now an Inspiration to all
Now, think of Christopher Reeve. Many of us remember Reeves as invincible Superman. He not only had super strength but super powers, he could literally fly. More than that, Christopher Reevehad the fantastic physique to make the role he played to super stardom, magical and believable.
Then, in 1994, a tragic horse riding accident left Reeve paralyzed from the neck down for life! Initially, the meaning he attached to the accident was that his life was over and that he would be a burden to everyone.
Utterly depressed Reeve wanted his doctors to take him off life support and allow him to die. It was his wife who asked him to give himself (and his family) two years. If, at the end of the two years, he felt the same way, they would find a way to let him go.
Christopher Reeve
But as Reeve‘s rehabilitation began, surrounded by his very loving and supportive family and friends, he started to attach a totally different meaning to his disability. He began to see that he (because of his fame) could become an inspiration and symbol to all those who are suffering from various disabilities, and who have lost hope.
The meaning he gave to his experience put him in a resourceful state. As he continued to bear his massive disability stoically and improve, bit by bit, he started to write what went to become a best-selling book called ‘Nothing is Impossible’.
Though imprisoned in his body, Reeve gave hundreds of moving speeches and inspiring seminars; he even directed a movie and won an academy award.
Millions around the world have been inspired by Reeve indomitable spirit and he has raised millions through the Christopher Reeve foundation.
 Lucca Movaldi
Lucca Movaldi's story is also a marathon of incredible events. Always an entrepreneur, Lucca was involved in many different projects in his native California. He did everything from producing music records and promoting artists to helping people with their credit problems thus helping them start a new life.  Always pursuing the American Dream, he had an unfortunate nightmare one unfaithful day. A vandal shot him in the face after a frustrated robbery attempt. Most people would see this as a tragedy and never, in their wildest dreams, would they see themselves traveling to another continent. Never forgetting his dreams, he began a telephone teaching academy of languages, revolutionizing what we know today as on-line educational linguistics.
In all of our lives, there will always come a time when things seem unfair, that no matter how hard we work for something, we did not get what we believed we deserved. Many people allow events such as these to destroy their self-esteem, their faith and belief about themselves and the essential goodness of others.
If you let all the events that are happening around you control your life, then you will never EVER achieve any success. You have to control and take charge of your life. Sometimes, even if something terrible happens to you, you may still choose to look at it from the brighter side. This is a post that can change your life forever, Event + Response = Outcome.


viernes, 23 de marzo de 2012

Interesante entrevista a David y Lucca en Canadá

Entrevista a David phone-tutor  y a Lucca director de T.T telephoneteaher, para el periodico Chatham daily news en Canadá.

En esta entrevista David explica lo que significa para él poder enseñar inglés a través de clases teléfonicas en España y Europa.
Lucca comenta como  la experiencia y las cualificaciones  de los phone-tutors son indispensables para que las clases por teléfono puedan ser de lo más efectivas de acuerdo a cada estudiante del idioma inglés y de cualquier otro idima. Al parecer todos están de acuerdo en que nunca es tarde para aprender y por supuesto para enseñar. Por favor seguir el link para ver la entrevista completa.

lunes, 19 de marzo de 2012

Cuando suena el teléfono..y te da pánico contestar..en Inglés...

Entonces necesitas nuestra ayuda.
Qué puedo hacer? me da pánico contestar el teléfono en Inglés ¿pueden ayudarme?
Esta es una de nuestras preguntas más comunes.
Sabemos lo estresante que puede resultar hablar un idioma extranjero.
Muchos de los casos que hemos tenido han llegado a nosotros diciendonos que no pueden más con el estress que necesitan hablar inglés ya!
Afortunadamente estas personas que acudieron a nosotros ya han superado sus problemas con el inglés y ahora lo hablan con confianza y fluidez.
Para algunas personas hablar con algún colega o de negocios en inglés puede ser verdaderamente inquietante casi como ir al dentista, por eso hemos creado un sistema donde nuestros estudiantes se sienten cómodos y relajados hablando el idioma con Profesores nativos.
Las clases telefónicas o por skype con son hands-on right from the start...
Todos somos diferentes, aprendemos de manera única y tenemos objetivos muy particulares por eso nuestras clases se diseñan a partir de cada situación específica.
Así que por favor no haga lo del video cuando le llamen por teléfono en inglés.
Llámenos 911 014 146 le sabremos ayudar. ;)
Clases de Inglés e idiomas por teléfono & skype Prfs. Nativos

Clase de Hoy

Acabo de tener una hora de clase con David y no he visto pasar el tiempo.
Es encantador (como todos vuestros phone-tutors).
Simplemente para que lo supieras


Mil gracias ;)

martes, 6 de marzo de 2012

t.t. ( asistió al II Rally de Coches Clásicos en Mijas, La Costa del Sol.
Aquí les mostramos unas fotos que hicimos en Marzo 3, 2012.
Espero disfruten de este museo sobre ruedas. Diferentes clases desde el modelo inglés hasta el alemán, convertibles, de ultra-lujo, fluidez y clase diseñadas para perdurar en belleza y elegancia clásica.
También desfiló el mini, clase casual de automovil para todos los gustos y necesidades hasta hoy en día.
Con clase y elegancia el italiano Fiat se exhibió con un coche convertible azúl precioso.
Flamantes modelos todos en perfecto estado de conservación.
Nos disculpamos si hemos omitido algun modelo pero lo hemos hecho para salvaguardar la privacidad de los asistentes.
Nuestro agradecimiento a los organizadores y al ayuntamiento de Mijas por el evento que estubo genial.
Saludos y esperamos los disfruten.




 El favorito de María ;)

 El más ecologico y fiable de todos los tiempos!!

 Mi gran favorito!


 And the winner is................