miércoles, 25 de junio de 2014

Cursos en USA e intrercambios entre España y Estados Unidos

Si está interesaddo o alguien de su familia en estudiar en U.S.A., Le recomendamos acceder a la información de la página oficial de la embajada Norteamericana donde se muestran todos los programas, los cursos e intercambios entre España y USA. junto con los pasos a seguir para acceder a los mismos. Informese en el siguiente link:

The U.S. Department of State offers many programs for non-U.S. citizens wishing to come to the U.S. for cultural, educational, or professional exchange. This website provides the information you need to get started. - See more at: http://exchanges.state.gov/non-us#sthash.J5wCI0VI.dpuf

martes, 24 de junio de 2014

Overused Phrases to Avoid in Business English


Overusing fancy words in business can become boring and annoying to other colleagues. So read some of the most overused words you need to understand but should to stay away from.
'Going forward' –  Used to say: from now on.....
' Drill down' -  It is to move deeper into a chain of data, from summary information to detailed data.
'On my plate ' – To work on a pending  task to finish. To have a lot of work to do or a lot to cope with.
'Best of breed  ' – The best of class, the most successful technology in a field.
'Low-Hanging fruit ' –  To prioritize starting with the easy tasks by doing the simplest work first.
'Dive deeper' – An in depth exploration of a subject.



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Useful Business English Expressions
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lunes, 16 de junio de 2014

Overused Business Expressions in the Office

Overused and many times annoying words you need to understand but should to stay away from.
‘Thinking outside the box’ – To think freely, to explore new ideas.
´Let´s think outside the box for a minute and find a solution here´.
 ‘At the end of the day’ – Something that you say before you give the most important fact of a situation. www. dictionary.cambridge.org
‘Touch base’ – or ´touch bases´: To talk to someone briefly, to make contact.
´110 per cent’ –  To give a little more effort than one’s maximum effort.anger-19063_640
‘It’s on my radar’ – Among things to do on your list, marked on your: ´to do list´.

jueves, 5 de junio de 2014

Surmount – Word Of The Week – Qué significa…

Definition: (verb) Overcome, to get on top, to get over or across. To conquer, to surpass.

☞ Translation:  Sobrepasar, conquistar, atravesar.
☞ Pronunciation: Surmáunt
Origin:Old French surmonter: sur-, sur- + monter, to mount.
After her husband passed away, she had to surmount the difficulties of raising 3 children on her own.
“For every difficulty that supposedly stops a person from succeeding there are thousands who have had it a lot worse and have succeeded anyway. So can you.” — Brian Tracy

“You can surmount the obstacles in your path if you are determined, courageous and hard-working. Never be faint-hearted. Be resolute, but never bitter. Permit no one to dissuade you from pursuing the goals you set for yourselves. Do not fear to pioneer, to venture down new paths of endeavor.” — Ralph J. Bunche

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Clases de inglés e idiomas con profesores nativos teléfono & skype

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lunes, 2 de junio de 2014

5 Idioms para mejorar el inglés hablado

1. A penny for your thoughts: pennies-16916-m
A penny is a US coin, worth one cent. Is is written 1¢.
This is used to ask a person to express his or her opinion. In other words, to know what the other person is thinking.
When the person is finished expressing such opinion he or she could say: well, that´s ´´my two cents´.´
2. A hot potato:
Relates to a situation that nobody wants to approach or deal with because it is either too difficult, or too dangerous.
3. Break a leg:
This is used to wish someone: Good luck.
4. Cold Turkey:
It is when a person suddenly stops doing something. An unexpected stop.
5. Miss the boat:
To miss an opportunity. Failing to comprehend a situation.

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Aprenda alemán con un profesor nativo y hable correctamente desde la primera clase por teléfono o skype. Pruebe su nivel gratis al: 911 014 146

Clases de inglés e idiomas con profesores nativos teléfono & skype

Descubre los beneficios de aprender francés por teléfono o skype con un profesor nativo www.telephoneteacher.com Tel.: 911 014 146 www.telephoneteacher.com
Descubre los beneficios de aprender francés por teléfono o skype con un profesor nativo www.telephoneteacher.com Tel.: 911 014 146